Thursday, September 19, 2019

Meanwhile....back in Luddenden Dean

Snaketongue Truffleclub (Cordyceps ophioglossoides).
A species that parasitises the False Truffle (Elaphomyces granulatus).
The photo above shows the black fruitbody that is visible above ground.
In younger specimens this may be brownish red, or dirty yellow in colour.

The above image shows the yellow mycelial threads, that connect to the False Truffle.
Specimen shown attached to False Truffle
This specimen shows the spore bearing surface clearly
Rooting Shank (Xerula radicata).
Note the wrinkled cap

This fungus has a long rooting stipe, and grows on buried wood.

The above two images I think are the Sepia Webcap (Cortinarius decipens).

The above is, I think, The Frosty Webcap (Cortinarius hemitricus).
It looks similar to the Pelargonium Webcap, but lacks the geranium leaf scent.
Above the cortina can be seen covering the gills

The above two images are also of a Cortinarius.
Peachy Steve and I have been emailing back and forth about this one.
We think it could be The Blood Red Webcap (Cortinarius sanguineus).
You can just make out remnants of the 'cortina' (web-like membrane) on the right hand specimen, in the the first image.

Clustered Toughshank (Collybia confluens)
Note the flattened, downy stipe.

 The above two images are of the Split Fibrecap (Inocybe rimosa)
This fungus has been described as having a meal, or spermatic smell!
The second image clearly shows the radiating fibrils on the cap.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fungi from The Scottish Highlands

I know this site is for recording natural history sightings in Calderdale,
but I couldn't resist posting some photos of my weekend away in Glen Loy.

Purple Stocking Webcap (Cortinarius stillatitius)
This fungus was covered in a mucous-like slime.
You can just make out the purple 'stocking' to the stipe. 

Larch Bolete (?Suillus grevillei var. clintonianus)

Angels Wings (Pleurocybella porrigens)

Plums and Custard (Tricholomopsis rutilans)

Pelargonium Webcap (Cortinarius flexipes)
This is easy to identify by the strong odour of geraniums. 

The eternally photogenic Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)

 Dusky Puffball (Lycoperdon nigrescens)

Conifer Mazegill (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) 
Note the maze-like pores.

Yellow Staghorn (Calocera viscosa)

Wooly Milkcap (Lactarius torminosus)
When flesh is broken it produces a white, hot tasting milk.

Hoof Fungus (Fomes fomentarius) or could it possibly be a Red-belted Bracket (Fomitopsis pinicola)?
The latter being rare in the British Isles.

And finally....what fungi foray in Scotland would be without The Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)?!



Sunday, September 1, 2019

More Luddenden Fungi- 29/8/19

The above three images are of the Orange Grisette (Amanita crocea)
The top image shows a specimen emerging from the volval sac.
The middle image shows the striate edges to the orange cap.
The third image shows the stipe covered in cap coloured squamules, and the cream coloured gills.
Although not rare, it is an impressive and beautiful fungi to find.

The above image is of The Charcoal Burner (Russula cyanoxantha)
It has a very variable cap colour, ranging from violet, grey, green and purple,
which can be confusing when trying to identify it.
One key feature is that the gills don't break easily when rubbed, unlike other Russulas.