Egghead Mottlegill (Panaeolus semiovatus)-Midgely Moor 14/7/19
This fungus is coprophilous (grows on dung).
You can see the partial veil (membrane) on the left hand mushroom, which protects the gills as it grows.
When the cap expands, this leaves behind a short lasting ring on the stem ( can just be made out on right hand mushroom).
This starts off white and quickly turns black, when stained with spores.
The caps of this fungus are usually shiny, dry, and often become wrinkled.
The above two images are of the False Deathcap (Amanita citrina)- Jerusalem Farm, 14/7/19
This fungus can be white, ivory, or have tinges of luminous yellow.
It emerges from a sac-like structure called a volva, like other Amanitas.
It has veil remnants on the cap, and usually a ring hanging from the stem (absent on this specimen).
The big give away when identifying this fungus is it smells of raw potatoes.
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)-Jerusalem Farm 14/7/19
This fungus grows on living and dead deciduous wood. It ranges in cap colour from nearly white, to dark blue-grey.
It has a faint smell of aniseed when fresh. This fungi is carnivorous.
It emits chemicals that attract microscopic nematode worms, which it then catches with its hyphae (fungal threads).
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