Monday, October 21, 2013

Ogen Water 16-10-13

After our trip to Kebroyd earlier in the day Johnny, Steve and myself met up with Calderdale's Environmental  team in the pouring rain after their meeting for a very wet and soggy foray. We didn't go far as the weather conditions went from bad to worse and we all hastily retreated back to the meeting room for a hot drink. The good news is that the P. vulgaris has returned and am looking forward to seeing it again once it has reached maturity and we also found another P. flammans.

Fir Disco (Pithya vulgaris).

Flaming Scalycap (Pholiota flammans).


  1. Blimey Alison
    I did not expect P. vulgaris until December! Nice one.

  2. They aren't fully formed yet Bruce, they are still quite small. They are in the same location - along the back of the reservoir, I haven't checked anywhere else as yet.
