Friday, January 11, 2013

Luddenden Dean 6.1.13

 Masses of  rather old Pale Oyster  Pleurotus pulmonarius on the hulk of an ancient, dead sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus.)

 Much of the tree has recently fallen. Jelly Ear Auricularia on its second most common wood in our area, after Elder Sambucus , though it grows on several other trees/ shrubs.

 Oyster, Jelly Ear and a crust, all together. Cant id the crust. (Centre.)

 There were several of these brackets. That's £1.10 to give scale. It's about 60cm (2ft.) across where it's attached ! White underside.

 Yellow Brain Tremella mesenterica. Parasitic on the not yet fruiting mycelium of a crust fungus ( various Peniophora sp. )

 A lovely spot of colour to brighten a dull day - and wonderfully wobbly like Jelly Ear.

This crust could be the Peniophora the Yellow Brain is parasitising. I only had time for a quick look round this huge tree ruin, as I was walking with non-mycology friends and their dogs. I'll go back through the year.

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