Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lepista flaccida (Tawny Funnel) in Hardcastle Crags, 22/12/2012

 Lepista flaccida (Tawny Funnel). Many thanks to Mal, at the Mid-Yorks Fungi Group who identified it.

I would not usually put Oliver's gorgeous face on the Blog, but I just wanted to make a visual comparison as it was huge - 20 cm diameter.

These were the tiny yellow spindles  I saw yesterday. Calocera cornea (Small Stagshorn).

Steve, yes, just to confirm it is Ganoderma applanatum (Artist's Bracket), after I inscribed Oliver's initials on it.


  1. Well done Alison and Oliver for finding those huge Blewits (Lepistas). Don't know this one. Did it have a nice smell? the Blewits often do.

    Nice other pictures too. We'll have to "tag" all the artist's brackets we find leaving space if possible for other myco-artists to add their tags. Let's make it a piece of conceptual art; call it the Yorkshire Myco-art Project? Just a little something to celebrate the very wonderful world of fungi.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They had a nice aroma to them, not offensive. Roger Phillips says they are edible, but poor! So i'm not going to cook up a Lepista feast for Oliver, on Xmas day!

  3. Hi Alison
    I am fairly sure this is not G applanatum but not sure what it is.
