Saturday, March 1, 2014

Salterhebble 01.03.2014

Photographs taken by Michael on his walk along the towpath this morning.

Scarlet Elfcup (Sarcoscypha austriaca) - above and below. Michael also reported that he must have seen over one thousand fruiting bodies in this location too. 

Michael saw this bird enjoying the morning sunshine on one of the barges.


  1. Can anybody identify the bird?

  2. I wasn't sure, I thought of it was a shag but only after it moved-at first I thought it was a carved bird.I only expect to see them on them coast.

  3. I see Cormorants quite often on the river Calder there, sometimes two. They also perch riskily high up on the National Grid pylon !

  4. Coincidentally, I saw my first Cormorant today with Peachy Steve flying above Baitings reservoir.
