I thought I would return to the wood again. I didn't want to travel far that day as it the weather was pretty grim at times I'm glad that I did as I found some Sprucecone Caps, a species I've never encountered before.
Sprucecone Cap (Strobilurus esculentus) above and two below. I found three in total below the spruce trees and all they had really long rooting bases.
Taken at home as I wasn't happy with my photographs in the field.
Cheilocystidia with crystals at the apex.
Spores ellipsoid 5-6 x 3-4.
Healthy Witches' Butter (Exidia glandulosa).
Colpoma quercinum.
The Sprucecone Cap is a new one on me. I guess because we have little sprucewood habitat. Its name suggests it's edible; "esculentus" but don't anyone eat it on my suggestion! Make sure by careful rersearch.